Minea Oil Ltd
Reservoir Engineering
Reservoir Engineering determines the initial oil volumes in place, the recoverable volumes and the production volumes to be produced as function of time.
To achieve the objectives, the reservoir engineer needs to understand the rocks, the fluids, the pressures and the changes in volumes that will results as the production progress.

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Enhanced Oil Recovery Fundamentals and Practices
Enhanced Oil Recovery Fundamentals and Practices
Fundamentals of the Enhanced Oil Recovery Process applied worldwide to increase the oil recovery. Theory and practices of Thermal, Chemical, Miscible, immiscible and Hybrid methods to enhance the oil recovery, and screening techniques to select an EOR Method.
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Basic Reservoir Engineering
Basic Reservoir Engineering
This Lecture address the methods to quantify and characterize oil and gas reservoirs, the fluid behavior (PVT), rock properties, recovery factors, pressure regimes, material balance, driving mechanisms, and principles of water and gas displacement.
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Paraffin and Asphaltenes - Problems Causes of and Solutions
Paraffin and Asphaltenes - Problems Causes of and Solutions
Crude oils properties associated with paraffin’s and asphaltenes, causes of paraffin and asphaltene deposits, effects in the operations, reservoirs and wells. Field cases and laboratory experiments to quantify the impact of asphalthene and wax deposits in the productivity and final oil recovery.
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Simulation of Enhanced Oil Recovery Methods
by Raul Moreno #116
Simulation of Enhanced Oil Recovery Methods
Reservoir simulation applied to design, and implement Enhanced Oil Recovery projects. EOR process with different numerical simulators for water injection with chemicals, surfactants, Alkalis-Surfactants-Polymer solutions, thermal and miscible process.
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