This training session present a comprehensive description of the activities in the preparation and implementation of field development plans, describing the different stages from exploration, discovery, appraisal, testing, wells, facilities and export for different scenarios; environment, safety, risk and uncertainties evaluations, government regulations, and document for project sanction and implementation. Field cases studies and practical exercises are included in this training session.
How to define and evaluate the different varios options for the production facilities available to develop a hydrocarbon discovery, and associated costs for onshore, offshore and subsea facilities and drilling components are covered, looking at the key drivers estimating accurate costs and minimising project risk. Data management and integration issues will also be highlighted.
- Describe the requirements to understand and to evaluate hydrocarbon resources candidates for development
- Transfer Knowledge and skills to approach field development planning and successfully write a field development plan.
- Illustrate the need for accurate lifecycle cost estimates for oil and gas development and appreciation for the key project drivers and the role of various discipline are also critical aspects that will be covered.
- Identify areas to maximise the project value, risk elements and mitigation actions.
- Understand the procedures involved in the preparation and implementation of optimal field development plans, considering options and implications for different stakeholders as National oil companies, investors and regulators.
The course is designed for all personnel within the industry who have an interest in developing oil and gas field projects such as exploration geoscientists, reservoir engineers, petroleum engineers, drilling and completion engineers, process and facilities engineers, commercial and finance professionals and projects managers.
Day 1
Introduction, concepts & objectives
- Life cycle of an oil and gas project. Industry trends on maturing oil and gas projects
- Hydrocarbon accumulations overview, exploration and development techniques, role of exploration and development disciplines, Geophysical methods, seismic, gravity, and magnetics, Wild-Cat drilling, geological studies
- Decisions to explore, test and development. Project identification and Feasibility. Framing the Project.
- Field development definitions and concept. Integrated field development concept and challenges.
- Field Development preliminary exercise
Day 2
Evaluation of Discovered Reservoirs
- Evaluating a discovered oil/gas field. Key data collected during exploration. Estimating hydrocarbons in place, recoverable volumes & recovery mechanisms.
- Field development definition/concept. Integrated field development concept and challenges.
- Insights for commerciality of a hydrocarbon resource discovery.
- Field performance and management, data management and interpretations.
- Criteria influencing exploration, development, and production reservoir life
- Insights for commerciality of a hydrocarbon resource discovery.
- Field performance and management process. Data management and Interpretation
- Criteria and strategies influencing in exploration, development, and production reservoir life.
- Field Development Plan example study case 1
Day 3
Development Options
- Evaluating the different development options. key drivers for a successful development.
- Identifying project risks & reservoir uncertainties
- Subsurface evaluation, the reservoir static and dynamic model. Reservoir characterization. Fluid characterization/PVT.
- Role of simulation in field development. Reservoir Static & Dynamic model construction, calibration and history matching for reservoir performance evaluation and predictions.
- Defining and preparation production forecasts.
- Wells and completion requirements and identification of optimization options
- Field Development Plan example study case 2
- Gates concept in the field developments commonly used in the oil industry: Identify, Asses, Select, Define, Execute & Operate.
Day 4
Production Optimization, Cost Estimations and Economics
- Preliminary cost estimations, estimating development costs, preliminary economics.
- Factors affecting oil recovery processes in subsurface and surface technologies, pumps, facilities & exporting options.
- Production optimization and engineering, wells, production facilities, exporting options.
- Requirements for project sanction. Reservoir management plan. Environment impact assessment (EIA). Risk analysis and project schedule.
- Additional data requirements (appraisal wells, production tests, etc.). Integrity problems review and diagnostic.
- Reservoir surveillance. Data analysis and Technologies to Improve oil recovery in field development Stages.
- Oil Recovery methods: primary, secondary & tertiary recovery. Flooding patterns considerations. Enhanced oil recovery concepts screening criteria fundamentals.
- Field Development Exercise 2
Day 5
Field development Master Development Plan
- Field development study cases. Master Development Plan concept.
- Field development example 1: Conventional reservoirs development, Wells Location, Engineering Designs, Surface Facilities Designs.
- Field development example 2 – Heavy oil reservoir from Exploration, Development, Enhanced Oil Recovery Technologies (Thermal, Gas, and Chemical Flooding Designs and Scenarios), Surface facilities Designs.
- Field Development Team Exercise.
End of Training
Related Trainings
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