Meet our team...

We are working with a global team of extremely experienced independent consultants, who are true specialists in their field in the oil industry. We are committed to share our vast experience and knowledge with you and your workforce.

Jorge Sanguino
Drilling Engineer Specialist. Cancun Mexico

Drilling optimization specialist, worked in  Venezuela for Lagoven affiliated of PDVSA in the offshore North Paria exploration campaign, in the  exploration and development project  El Furrial a giant Field in North Monagas; also worked internationally for Baker Hughes based in Aberdeen Scotland, Colombia, Argentina, USA,  Mexico, Houston USA, and Bogota as Regional Manager of Tubing & Casing Drilling Applications for Latin America Tesco Corporation in Buenos Aires, Mexico City and Houston Tx.

Pablo Saavedra
Well Productivity Advisor and Reservoir Engineer. Cabimas Venezuela

Extensive knowledge in reservoir analysis, applying techniques of rapid analysis of deposits, he developed own processes, which were applied in several companies, PDVSA, PEMEX, PETROTRIN, Ecopetrol, ENI & REPSOL. Knowledge of techniques for discretizing well damage,  skins removal and increases in production calculations and recommendations for the optimum production methods. Specialist in assembling and organizing databases. deposits and their wells.

Carlos Urosa
PHD Geology Sedimentology Houston, Texas USA

Global experience in regional analysis and seismic interpretations, prospect maturation, volumetric and risk assessment, well & seismic stratigraphic analysis, facies modeling, core and outcrop description and interpretation, rock quality assessment reservoir characterization,. Solid background in sedimentology and stratigraphy at regional and field scale. Deep-water shallow-marine clastic systems. integrated models in basin/play fairway analysis, prospect generation, and reservoir characterization.

Pascual Marquez
Geologist. Margarita Venezuela

Expert in geological interpretation, integrated reservoir characterization, clastic sedimentary environments. Well log correlations, geological and production data interpretations, stratigraphic and structural cross section, subsurface mapping, core description, “Quick-look” petrophysics, production monitoring Multidisciplinary studies primary and secondary field developments to improve production and increase recovery factor for oil and gas reservoirs. Venezuela, Mexico, Colombia and North Africa.

Efren Solorzano
Petrophysicists. Villahermosa Mexico

Rock and fluid petrophysics specialist, logs, cores and reservoirs characterization. Conventional and special core analyses, clastic and carbonates. Log programs QC & interpretations. Experimental methods for core analysis in conventional and non-conventional reservoirs. integrated methodology cores, logs, geophysics and production data for rock characterization. Worked in important fields in Venezuela El Furrial and Mexico  Cantarell, Tabasco and Abkatum-Pol-Chuc assets, and Colombia 

Carlos Camposano
Petroleum Geologist. Villa Hermosa Mexico

Operations and characterization geologist, petroleum systems structural analysis, facies stratigraphy and petrophysics mapping Volumetry, uncertainties and risk analysis. Geological modeling for mature complex fields Southeast  Mexico Geocellular Models and construction of Discrete Fracture Network (DFN) Abkatun, Pol, Chuc, Batab and Manik, Marine Region Pemex. Basins studies South East of México, North of Colombia Lower Magdalena & Sinú – San Jacinto) and Llanos.

Jose A. Martinez
MoS Geologist. Caracas Venezuela

Expert in integration of surface geology, seismic data, wells, deposits, geochemistry and gravimetry, generation of exploratory prospects in new and mature areas, at the basin, region and prospect level. sequential stratigraphy, fault-sealing capability. Geological risk and economic assessment. Locations, rehabilitation of wells. operational geological monitoring and exploratory well testing. Data Room and offshore block negotiations. Venezuela Mexico, Trinidad, Tobago & Colombia.

Angel Aponte
Geomodeller. Santiago Chile

Geostatistical Modelling of Clastic Reservoirs; Visual Analytics and Data Analytics; Quantification and Uncertainty Analysis; Integration of Petrophysical, Geochemical Analysis Results, Geophysics Interpretation, Sedimentary Model and Reservoir Data; Integration of Seismic Inversion and AVO Results. Construction of the Structural-Stratigraphic framework, Conformation of the Facies Model, Population of Petrophysical Properties, and Volumetric Analysis. Providing Knowledge to Add Value and Support Decision Making; in the Exploration and Exploitation of Hydrocarbons. Reserves quantification and /Certification . Experience in PDVSA, Pemex, Pacific Rubiales, Schlumberger, Halliburton,  Repsol, YPF in Mexico, Colombia, Argentina, and Venezuela.

Reinaldo Viloria
Geomodeller. Villahermosa México

Expert in modelling and visualization for the construction of high-resolution deterministic and probabilistic 3D geological models; Multidisciplinary integration and construction of interval speed models for time-depth conversion. transfer to flow simulators tangible results in generation and development of reserves and increased production and additional recovery by injection of Gas and Water, producer wells and geologically optimized injectors. Venezuela, Mexico, Argentina and Canada.

Giovanni Da Pratt
PHD Petroleum Engineer Well Test Specialist. Buenos Aires Argentina

PhD. Petroleum Engineering Stanford University, specialized in well test pressure transient analysis and reservoir evaluations. Author “Well Test Analysis for Fractured Reservoir Evaluation”, Elsevier 1990, has worked in Schlumberger, Halliburton and PDVSA. President of Daprat Well Testing, he lectures on pressure transient analysis with Kappa engineering software

Cristian Ancuta
PHD Petroleum Engineer. Bucharest Romania

Skilled  reservoir  engineer, expert  in data acquisition and interpretations, reservoir simulations black oil and compositional, reservoir characterization and upscaling. Field developments, uncertainty analysis experimental design Reservoir management and surveillance. Water flooding, horizontal wells, carbonates, EOR, WAG, polymers. Retrograde condensates Single/multiple horizontal hydraulically fractured wells 3D modelling and fracture effectiveness evaluation. Experience in North Sea, Europe, Middle East, India and Africa

Hossein Ali Dorta
MoS Petroleum & Computing Science. Houston Tx USA

worldwide experience Classical and Dynamic Reservoir Engineering,  field management, modeling. Working at the majors and leading industry players, conventional and unconventional reservoir studies in USA, Canada, Europe, Russia, Latin America, Africa, Asia, and the Middle East. , Conventional and Unconventional, Compositional, Fractured Reservoirs, IOR/EOR,  Black Oil, Heavy Oil, Shale gas, Tight Gas and Gas Condensates.  Proficient with Petrel-RE, Eclipse-100, Eclipse-300, CMG STARS, Fractured reservoirs, Compositional reservoirs, EOS

Crisanto Rivas
Petroleum Engineer Reservoir Simulation. Villa Hermosa México

Expert in reservoir productivity and  reservoir simulation, heavy oils, gas/condensate and EOR in sandstones and carbonates naturally fractured. Integrated studies Front End Loading methodology. Exploitation plans and analytical toolsHigh performance in reservoir simulators: Eclipse 100/IMEX, (Eclipse-300/GEM) Petrel and CMG Technologies.  Venezuela, Mexico, Colombia, Ecuador and Peru.

Nelson Guerra
Upstream Midstream. Caracas Venezuela

Petroleum Engineer over 40 years experience in oil and gas upstream and midstream, as Operations Coordinator managing production from the wellhead, treatment, pipelines, tanks and exporting points, for  Lagoven S.A., and PDVSA E&P, and for services providers Reimpet Holding Group and Key Energy Services as General Drilling Operations manager  responsible for 20 drilling and workover rigs providing services to REPSOL, OXY, PAE, CAPSA and ENAP-SIPETROL in Chubut and Santa Cruz Comodoro Rivadavia, Argentina. Currently works with PDVSA had hoc E&P team planning the Venezuelan oil  industry recuperation.

Douglas Chirinos
Petroleum Engineer. Houston Tx. USA

Specialists in wells, workovers, reservoir and facilities. Heavy, medium, light oils and gas. Clastic and fractured carbonate reservoirs. Well diagnostics & optimization. Lifting systems, fluid gathering systems, Production facilities, cost estimations for mature and new fields , onshore and offshore. Water injection projects facility operation and monitoring. Water separations and clarification new technologies for disposal and  secondary recovery Economics  & risk analysis.

Raul Moreno
MoS Chemical Engineer Reservoir Simulation. Caracas Venezuela

 Reservoir Engineer in the oil industry for over 20 years, focused in primary production, waterflooding and EOR Chemical, Miscible, Thermal projects and Improved Oil Recovery projects, CO2 flooding, Carbon Capture and Storage projects, in Venezuela, Canada, Colombia, Ecuador, Russia, Kazakhstan, Malaysia,  Canada Alberta and UK North Sea. SPE Member.

Juan Urich
MoS Health, Security and Environment Specialist. Caracas Venezuela

M.Sc. Energy Management Pennsylvania U/IFP, M.Sc. Environment IVIC. B.Sc. Biology UCV Venezuela. Worked for PDVSA 1981-2002, in offshore and onshore, developing Guides and Standards for Seismic operations, Swamp Access, and Exploratory Drillings.  Co-authored two patents “ Design, Construction and Tests modular & reusable swamp access  road (US patent  N°  5967694), and drill  cuttings shallow bulb low pressure injection (US  patent   6491100). Autor of SPE papers

Researcher at the Universidad Central de Venezuela.

Eduardo Luna
PHD Fluid Analysis & Flow-Assurance. London UK

PhD. Chemical Engineer U. of Manchester. Flow assurance expert North Sea and worldwide. Worked with Xodus Group, Genesis, McDermott and Pace Flow. Chairman of Process Engineering (PEG) of the Society of Chemistry and Industry. SPE member

Jhoan Cordoba
Economist MSc Statistics, MBA. London UK

Extensive experience in hydrocarbon economics, pricing, royalty and taxes; worked with ENAGAS the Venezuelan body for natural gas retail, with the Venezuelan Ministry of Energy and PDVSA Petroleum  Trading and Supply Division, Central Bank of Venezuela, S&P Global Platts as Senior Analyst for Oil Price  and Editorial  pricing for the Middle East, Americas and Europe. Co Founder of  Quantvox Ltd trading and Co-founder of  Leopardus Petroleum E&P focused on acquisition & developing oil and gas fields in Latin America.

Asdrubal Perozo
Petroleum Engineer. Houston Tx USA

Expert in upstream oil and gas industry with operational companies Corpoven S.A and PDVSA E&P,  and with consulting companies Spectrum STM and Reliability and Risk Management, S.A,  providing services in Venezuela,  Trinidad, Mexico, and Ecuador. High-profile technology projects, and exceptional analytical ability managing information systems. Proficient in  Multi-criteria Decision Making, Reservoir Engineering, Economics and Risk Management. Affiliations: Society of Petroleum Engineers, International Society on MCDM, and the Strategic Decision Group

Andres Pena
Geophysicist Engineer, Mexico DF Mexico

Geophysicist engineer with more than 40 years of experience in exploration and development, has worked in seismic acquisition, processing, and interpretation, as exploration leader generating projects, had assignment in the French Oil Company in Paris, France, ChevronTexaco in the offshore Venezuela. Exploration project, in CGG Mexico in identification of opportunities in Macuspana, Reforma-Akal and Salina del Itsmo basins, in CBM generating exploration and development opportunities for Pemex, with Galem performing seismic and multidisciplinary interpretations.  Currently is a CBM consultant in the areas of exploration and production

Luis Escandon
Petrophysics Consultant, Caracas Venezuela

 Petroleum Engineer UCV-1979, PDVSA retired 2013 after +34 years, Senior Petrophysics specialist for Exploration and Production business units. Extensive experience in technical, managements roles, University teaching, as well as a technical instructor, both in person and online. Ability to design and coding technical programs and web masters. Experience in all the basins of Venezuela, and several of Colombia y Mexico (Onshore & Offshore).

Jose Gil
Petroleum Engineer, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Reservoir  Engineer expert in Characterization, Surveillance and Management. Key achievements in Anadarko Basin and Deep-Water GoM. Acknowledged for leading Multidisciplinary and Multicultural teams, Field Developments Plans, new wells and well interventions. Strong technical abilities coordinating field studies. Production Forecasts, Economic Evaluations, Reserve estimation and reporting under SEC. Exceptional Project coordination, problem solving and management skills. Subsurface and Operations working together. Design, implementation, and monitoring Secondary and Tertiary EOR Projects. Unconventional resources experience in Vaca Muerta Shale Oil Argentina and Mississippi Limestone Tight Oil, NW STACK-SCOOP Midcontinent.  Experience in Venezuela, Argentina, GoM-US and Niger Delta Nigeria.

Jose Guzman
Production Geochemistry, Houston Tx

Jose is an expert in Geochemistry applied to the upstream oil and gas industry with advanced skills in Drilling & Completion Fluids, Formation Damage, Rock-Fluid interactions Oil and water-based drilling fluids, Frac fluids, geochemistry applied to rock, water, and soil characterization. Clay analysis by XRD, XRF, SEM/EDS and thermal methods. He has worked as Principal Technologist R&D Laboratory Stafford, TX, USA, as Latin America Technical Mgr. Wellbore Productivity Segment for Schlumberger Bogota, Colombia, as Technical Mgr. Wellbore Productivity and Reservoir Specialist for MI Drilling Fluids Venezuela/ MI L.L.C /MISWACO and as geochemistry specialist at Intevep Research Centre of PDVSA in Los Teques, Venezuela.

Ali Dortaj Jr.
PReservoir Simulation Engineer, Houston Tx

Ali holds a M.S. in Natural Gas Engineering from Texas AM University, he is experienced in full field development, classical reservoir engineering, well test interpretations, integrated asset modelling, and reservoir simulations. Ali has worked for Halliburton in Hydraulic Fracture modelling, for Quantum Reservoir as reservoir simulation specialist modelling horizontal wells, conning models and Data Analytics, for AD Petroleum, he was as a reservoir engineer working in simulation of conventional and unconventional fields.  He is an Expert in Petrel, Eclipse-100, Eclipse-300, SCAL, CMG, Builder, STARS, CMOST, IMEX, GEM, IPM, MBAL Prosper, GAP, OFM, Spotfire, Nexus, ARIES, Decision Space Unconventional, GOHFER, OpenWorks, IHS Harmony, DI Desktop, ArcGIS, GIS,  Kappa Sapphire and Topaze.