About the company

Mineaoil Ltd is an oil and gas company, registered in the United Kingdom. We provide consulting and training services as well as logistic support to oil and gas operators, services companies, and regulatory institutions in the following areas:  Reservoir evaluations in exploration, appraisal and production stages, formulation and evaluations of field development plans, surveillance, monitoring, evaluation of EOR (enhanced oil recovery projects), by miscible gas injection, Low Salinity Water Injection, WAG, N2, CO2, Polymers, Thermal EOR, Steam Injection & SAGD, in new and mature onshore and offshore fields, including shales, and tight gas fields; CO2 disposal, clean energies renewable energies, and environment.

About the resources

Our international network of professionals and companies and universities in the United Kingdom, USA, China, and Germany provide access to specialized technical laboratories for oil and gas studies.

About the people

Our services are provided by highly trained professionals, each with more than 40 years of experience in their field across the globe. Our partners are working or have worked in Venezuela, Colombia, Argentina, Bolivia, Mexico, United Kingdom, Denmark, Italy, Nigeria, Uganda, Chad, Egypt, Oman, Iraq, USA, Canada and India.

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