This course is focused to describe the principles and practices of well transient tests analysis and interpretation methods applied in the oil and gas industry to develop reservoir properties and how to use the well testing techniques to develop reservoir properties to optimize the well productivity and to optimize the reservoir production strategies.
The course describe the application of up to date interpretations methods, classical and computer-aided, interpretation methods: Horner, Log-Log, type curves, etc., supported in field examples in homogeneous, fracture and double porosity reservoirs will be described, supported in field examples for different well test types, as drawdown, buildup, fall-off, interference, pulse, injectivity and DST. Practical examples and exercise guides will be provided for every subject.
- Provide the participants with the principles and key elements of well test analysis.
- How to successfully obtain key reservoir parameters from well pressure transient tests,
- Describe the prime importance of detailed planning, supervision requirements, data retrieval, quality checks.
- Present the different methodologies to interpret well tests
- Describe interpretation methods applicable to vertical and horizontal wells in homogeneous, layered, fractured, compartmentalized reservoirs.
- Well completion engineers
- Production engineers
- Reservoir engineers
- Reservoir manager intending to enhance their technical skills and level of confidence in decision making by identifying well issues, causes of production anomalies and operational constraints etc.
- Field engineers
- Geoscientists & Well-site geologists
- Engineers and earth scientists involved in well and reservoir characterization and surveillance.
- Technical personnel involved in appraisal or field developments.
Day 1
Objectives of well tests, flow equations and assumptions.
Introduction to Well Testing
Well test objectives in Exploration, Appraisal and Development Wells
Well performance and well test requirements
Darcy Law equation
Diffusivity equations, transient, pseudo steady and steady state.
Transient linear and pseudo radial flow in fractured wells
On the first day, participants will learn the theory, fundamental applications, and practical limitations of well tests, understanding the reservoir response under production injection disturbances.
Day 2
Principles of Transient Pressure Tests, Well borage Storage and Skin Effects
Draw Down tests
Build Up tests, Horner graph
Equivalent producing time
Radius of investigation
Wellbore Storage
Pseudo Skin factors
Productivity Index
Fractured Wells Liner flow and pseudo radial flow
Reservoir Boundaries and Channel Analysis
Horizontal Well Tests.
On the second day, participants will have received directions to understand the different types of well tests, basic concepts and fractured well tests.
Day 3
Multiple well systems, Linear Barriers and multi rate tests & Diagnosis.
Multiple well system example
Image wells
No-Flow barrier
Constant pressure linear boundary
Multiple boundaries example
Parallel Boundaries and closed systems
Type curves
Field example
Recognizable Characteristic shapes
Detection of boundaries linear barrier and field example
Introduction of Type Curves as Diagnosis
Use of Type curves for Diagnosis
Multidiscipline approach
In the 3rd the participants will understand a multiple well system, linear barriers, boundaries interpretation with an integrated multidisciplinary approach.
Day 4
Limit Tests Average Pressures And Productivity Index and Gas wells
Reservoir limit tests
Estimation of average pressure
Productivity index
Multi well reservoir average pressure
Comparison of well tests and simulation results (Peaceman correction)
Diffusivity, Darcy equation for gas wells
Liquid form of Diffusivity equation
Real gas potential
Deliverability tests, conventional and isochronal tests.
Well test simulation and planning a well test.
Well tests equipment and limitations.
In day 4 the participants will have skills to understand fundamentals of limit tests, productivity index, multi-well tests, gas well tests, and how to plan and supervise a well test.
Day 5 Special Tests
Drill Steam Tests (DST)
Injection well tests
Mobility ratio
Interference tests
Reservoir heterogeneities
Examples of field cases
Final discussions and wrap up
End of the training
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