Minea Oil Ltd
Economics & Decisions
Economic evaluations justify the exploration, appraisal, development, and abandonment stages of the oil and gas fields..
Marketing and Decision Making are pivotal for th ehydrocarbon developments.

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Petroleum Economics
and Contracts in E&P
by Jhoan Cordoba
Petroleum Economics
and Contracts in E&P
Economic concepts, Financial modelling best practice and Excel spreadsheet templates will be discussed. Delegates will work solving problems from the materials and cases provided as well as their own current or previous challenges at work.
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Advanced Crude Oil Marketing
& Trading
by Jhoan Cordoba
Advanced Crude Oil Marketing
& Trading
Updated and practical lessons in the international crude oil marketing and trading and related topics of supply-demand, transport, refining and regulatory changes. Ideal for young professionals entering trading industry and as induction program for other professionals with no experience in trading interested in marketing.
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Multicriteria Decision Making
by Asdrubal Perozo
Multicriteria Decision Making
Methodologies of multi-criteria decision making (MCDM) highly structured and transparent methodologies turn decision making into a simplified step-by-step process, facilitating collaboration, allowing the active participation of decision-makers in reaching agreements, and providing managers rational basis to improve the quality of decisions.
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