Julio Herbas Petroleum Engineer with extensive experience in design and operation of Enhanced Oil Recovery projects in light oil, heavy oil, gas and condensate reservoirs; lead the design, implementation and operation of thermal, waterflooding, gas flooding, solvents, and chemical flooding projects in Latin America, Europe, Africa, and Asia, working for national and international operators as Lagoven s.a. PDVSA, Shell International, BP, Total, Statoil, Maersk and Tullow Oil, and with research institutes and universities in Venezuela, United Kingdom, Germany, China and USA. Among his main EOR projects are Steam flood in Cerro Negro and Jobo fields, Low Salinity Waterflooding and Miscible Gas Injection in the Furrial field the largest oil reservoir in Venezuela, Polymer, and low salinity waterflooding Uganda, and other studies in North Sea fields.
This course is designed to provide a solid knowledge of the Fundamentals of the Enhanced Oil Recovery Process being applied worldwide to increase the oil recovery. The lectures include theoretical and practical components describing the Thermal, Chemical, Miscible, Immiscible and Hybrid methods to enhance the oil recovery and screening techniques to select an EOR Method. The participants will be exposed to practical application experiences and field examples and will have the opportunity to discuss their own cases.
- To provide an up to date overview of the concepts and theory of Enhanced Oil Recovery
- Review the latest advanced in Enhanced Oil Recovery
- Learn how to identify potential candidate fields to implement Enhanced Oil Recovery projects
- Lear how to execute EOR screenings and how the define preliminary project value
- Understand how to plan and how to implement Enhanced Oil Recovery studies and projects
- How to plan and implement Enhanced Oil Recovery studies
- Review principles and applications of Thermal, Chemical, Gas Injection Miscible, Immiscible and Hybrid methods
- Selection criteria’s, recovery targets, design considerations
- Lean how to create cost estimations and economic evaluations
- Review and discuss technical challenges, environmental constrains and study cases
- Reservoir Engineers
- Reservoir Managers,
- Production
- Engineers,
- Geologists,
- Geophysicists
- Technical field personnel from oil companies or service companies that need to gain or increase their understanding of reservoir performance under Enhanced Oil Recovery projects
This training can be delivered in house, based on work shop sessions for groups of delegates with interest in understanding the principles of Enhanced Oil Recovery methods; it can be tailored to specific company needs.
Day 1
Concepts Review
- Enhanced Oil Recovery concepts and objectives review
- Production mechanisms & reservoir types
Characteristics influencing the Enhanced Oil Recovery project implementation
Predominant driving mechanisms in primary, secondary, and tertiary production stages - Properties affecting the recovery factor and ultimate recovery: Bubble Point, Viscosity, Mobility’s, Mobility ratio, Capillary pressures, Wettability, Relative Permeability’s.
Incremental Recovery factor methods, correlations, and use of analogues - Review of basic concepts: Definition of Secondary Recovery and Enhanced Oil Recovery (SPE).
Capillary Pressures, Wettability, Interfacial Tension, Relative Permeability Curves and Mobility Ratio.
Day 2
EOR Methods and Screening
- Thermal, Chemical and Solvent Methods: Steam Stimulation, Steam flood, SAGD, Combustion In Situ, Alkali, Surfactant and Polymer (ASP) and Polymer Applications
- Screening methods and criteria’s for application
- Identification of analogue field cases, step by step road map to EOR design and implementation
- Laboratory requirements and procedures, cost consideration, cost estimations, facilities modifications, personnel training requirement
- Examples of screening field cases: technical challenges and complexities of enhanced oil recovery.
Day 3
Thermal Methods
- Fundamentals of Thermal Recovery, Steam Stimulations, Cyclic steam injection, Continuous Steam Flood
Water Source and Treatment Requirements, SAGD, In Situ Combustion overview - Field requirements for thermal projects implementation, well design, thermal isolation, well head and casing protection, thermal cements
Water characterization and water treatment - Field Implantation Strategies
Day 4
Chemical and Solvent Methods
- Aqueous solution methods:
Alkalis, Surfactants and Polymers (ASP),
Polymer Injection, CO2 Injection,
Low Salt water injection,
Gas Injection Miscible
Microbial methods application in Enhanced Oil Recovery - Economic considerations, economic evaluations, economic incentives, framing decision before implementation.
Day 5
Emerging Technologies
- EOR Offshore
- EOR in Horizontal Wells
- CO2 & Exhaust Gas Injection
- Critical Review of Emerging Technologies
- Future R&D directions
- Discussions and Case Studies
- Wrap Up
End of the training
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