Minea Oil Ltd
This Directory includes Field Development Planning, Production Engineering, Flow Assurance, Integrated Well Reservoir Facility Management (WRFM) and Thermal Methods.
Thermal Methods to Produce Heavy Oil Fields Production and Flow Assurance are included in this group of trainings.

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Production & Flow Assurance Engineering
by Dr. Eduardo Luna
Production & Flow Assurance Engineering
Flow assurance predicts and mitigates production problems, modelling multiphase flow, slippage, frictions and heat transfer in the wells and in the facilities.
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Thermal Methods for Heavy Oil Production
by Nelson Guerra
Thermal Methods for Heavy Oil Production
Thermal Methods have been proved to effectively produce Heavy Oil Fields.
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Well Reservoir Facility Management, Integrated Approach to Maximize Productivity and Recovery
Well Reservoir Facility Management, Integrated Approach to Maximize Productivity and Recovery
Aiming to maximize production and recovery in a safe, cost effective manner.
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